iFi Audio LAN iSilencer
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Reduce router ‘noise’
Loving your network streamer but getting interference via your Ethernet cable?
The LAN iSilencer’s advanced active noise cancelling filtration tech prevents noise from interfering with the digital signal.
You can connect it:
To your router
To switches
Directly to your Ethernet wall socket
The LAN iSilencer has a zero-jitter memory buffer and galvanically-isolated inputs to eradicate digital distortion.
The LAN iSilencer boasts premium galvanic isolation technology, where electrical circuits are separated to eliminate stray currents. Audio signals can pass between galvanically isolated circuits to block differences in ground potential or currents induced by AC power.
RJ45 Socket
RJ45 Plug
1000/100/10 Mbps
Supported Devices
General-purpose, notebook, switch, router, wireless device, etc
73.5 x 19 x 16mm2.9" x 0.7" x 0.6"
Net Weight
17g (0.6 oz)