Paul Wilbur Klipsch (PWK) was an American audio pioneer, a true eccentric and a proud member of the engineering and science hall of fame. He gave rise to speaker technologies that would forever impact generations of music lovers.
In the 1960’s, Bob Moers replaced Klipsch's longtime ad agency, Goodloe Stuck, with a Chicago firm. At this point in the time, the new agency had a famous air-brush artist known for cleaning up photographs of hams for the Chicago meat industry, as well as “taking warts off” of Playboy bunnies. (You know, important stuff.)“Bill” of this agency was in the office with PWK when he threw a hi-fi magazine he had been reading up into the air and screamed “Bullshit!” The article was about the AR-3A. By this point in time PWK had become thoroughly disgusted with loudspeaker advertisements claiming “another major breakthrough."